No coding experience needed
Mass Texting
Send text a mass text message to tens, hundreds or thousands in seconds. Deliver messages with ease and speed.
Easy Subscription
A user can subscribe by sending a text to your keyword or through a web link.
QR Code Generation
Send text a mass text message to tens, hundreds or thousands in seconds. Deliver messages with ease and speed.
Ability to create groups within a keyword. Refine your users even further for a focus reach. This is great for targeting a campaign.
Schedule a message to be sent out at a future date and time.
Personalized Messages
Personalized Messages
Make each message more personal using their name
Signup Web Forms
Virtual Groups have their signup form with custom titles. These forms can be sent as a URL or embedded on your own site.
Your customers now can text you and you can respond via BIGTEXT. Centralized view of your message from your customers allowing you to connect with them on a personal level.